These handmade fuck socks may revolutionize the entire condom industry!
You know, I know, everyone knows… there are not a lot of options for a young aspiring artist, when it comes to making a few bucks in New York City. I mean one can only hope to make an honest living by selling his or hers handiwork on the internet, but that doesn’t always work as planned. So how did a 24-year-old girl from Brooklyn, pull that off? Apparently the key to success was combining two of her greatest passions… dicks... ... and knitting. :P That’s right, she identified an untapped niche for reusable knit condoms and built a lucrative career around it. :D And some of her newest models come with a top-notch automatic tightening mechanism! Unbelievable right? But like in any other business, building your own success story, takes time and lots of hard work more than anything else. I mean just imagine for a second how it must be like to work with a penis mold all day long… And then there’s also the part when you have to deal with all those naysayers, who don’t see the obvious benefit in using comfy reusable fuck socks. But that’s their problem. Most people just can’t seem to think outside the box. And they are probably just green with envy that they didn’t think of this themselves. Which makes me appreciate this single gal even more… Seriously now, she managed to build her business dick by dick, making hand knit condoms for both men and women to enjoy. By now you must be wondering ‘’what’s the trick”, right? Well, there is one little thing I forgot to mention. Be careful to only wash them by hand in cold water and air-dry them…. You don’t want them to shrink or anything… : ) ) After all they are made from all-natural alpaca fibers. Here’s a quick interview with this smart business woman, made public in a recent episode of the Millennials of New York series. ; ) Fingers crossed for you Kristen! Big condom companies have some serious competition now, thanks to you. ; ) XOXO, Emma