If vaginas could make faces they would look like this...
Didn't you hear? Artist Stephanie Sarley had the brilliant idea of humanizing vaginas in her newest drawings! :D Her provocative art was initially meant to convince society to embrace female sexuality. But what she managed to create instead is a real revolution… in our pants. : ) From sad faces to cheeky winks, she gave life to our lady parts in a way that nobody dared to do until now. :P On a closer look, apart from the good ol’ mouth watering muffins, the artist seems to have taken inspiration from our daily activities as well... Sipping from a martini glass and looking left and right, hoping that the guy will notice you... Smoking one cigarette after another while waiting for him to call... Making cry baby faces or little devil faces when he stands you up... Or opening up like roses do when you really like the guy... And letting him air your orchid... or should I say orCUNT? ; ) XOXO, Emma