Watch porn stars using toothbrushes on their sensitive clits!
If you are a single gal and you suddenly feel the need to you know... scratch the old itch, you can take advice from a few more experienced girls. After all, when it comes to masturbation techniques, we have to admit that porn stars are more resourceful than most of us. And you can not only count on them to give you their professional opinion on which household item makes for the best sex toy, but also show you how to use it... So when Skin Diamond, Nicole Aniston, Dana Dearmond and A.J. Applegate, decided to test a bunch of toothbrushes on their meaty clits and see which one cums first, I instantly knew I have to share this with you... The good news is, we don’t need to spend a lot of money on powerful sex toys… Apparently, the good ol’ toothbrush can save the day... And I am telling you, their reactions are pure gold... No matter which brand you use, I guarantee you won’t be able to look at your toothbrush the same way ever again after watching this video… Nor will you ever forget to pack it when you travel… :P So here’s more about the electric toothbrush masturbation technique… Don’t forget to lock the door for this one… : ) ) XOXO, Emma