Should You Be Switching Positions On A Regular Basis?
Sex life is meant to be enjoyable for all partners. Unfortunately, some couples end up feeling bored because they stick to one position for ages. Monotony tends to kill sex life enjoyment despite a saturation of great ideas that a couple could dare explore. This post answers a common question among couples about why should you be switching positions on a regular basis.
Pleasurable Positions
Partners should avoid sticking to a single-sex position when there is so much they can do with their bodies. There is an unlimited number of sex positions that a couple could explore and enjoy. However, each position has a different and exceptional experience. If you are used to the conventional missionary position, you need to consider switching in the next intercourse to other positions such as scissoring. Many couples are stuck in the missionary position for penetration when they can try pleasurable styles like scissoring. Therefore, switching positions on a regular basis provides you with a different rhythm, pleasure, and sexual satisfaction.
Break the Monotony
If you stick to a single sexual position, you will be limiting yourself from enjoying various levels of sensations that other positions offer. Many couples that are used to one position tend to have less desire and anticipation for one another. It causes boredom and reduces the sexual appetite of partners because they expect the same sensation that they are used to. Switching positions on a regular basis spices up your sex life making it more pleasurable and desirable.
A new position can amp up arousal among the couple. Novelty helps keep things more interesting and come back for more. When sex is the same every time, the couple tends to lose interest. That is why new positions have a way of adding the element of novelty to sex life.
Gaining Experience
Sex is about pleasure and learning new and more pleasurable ways of doing it. If you stick to one position, it is likely that you will end up less knowledgeable, skilled, and attractive. Learning new positions and perfecting them will make you a desirable sexual partner. A couple can learn slowly by changing positions on a regular basis and gaining more experience. Mastering a few positions enables you to choose one that gives you more satisfaction.
Partner Goal
Every position can achieve a unique level of pleasure and depth of penetration. Trying new positions allows the couple to discover what works best for their bodies, relationship, and other long-life benefits. Not every sex position is for everyone, a couple should be able to select those that suit their intimacy. If the partners’ goal is to achieve deeper penetration, there are positions that can achieve that more effectively. However, if it is about getting more sensation and lasting longer, there are positions that would help the couple to achieve it.
Trying out different positions is necessary for a couple that wants to have a long-term sexual life intimacy and enjoyment. The couple’s ability to explore and utilize various sex positions would be able to switch regularly and enjoy unlimited intimacy and pleasure.