We have collected over 1700 videos in time from some of the most twisted studios. Among all these streaming clips, there are obviously the hard scenes of Studio 666 which has always been in the most total subversion. During orgy or gangbang, horny girls drink men's piss. But there are a lot of lesbians who love to submit their girlfriends. A woman who pisses in the mouth, on big tits or on the hairy pussy of another woman. This is what you will see or download in VIP mode. There are also more solo videos like at the studio "WetandPissy" or "VIPissy", we have European actresses totally debauched and dominated. We have clips of women masturbating their full bladders and when they feel the rise of urine, they are obediently on their knees waiting for the squirt. On top of it all, there is an atmosphere of male domination in the videos where women are treated as sex slaves. Accessories like the bitch collar and the leash are often used in uniforms. On all fours, they are thus soiled and dirty. It happens in all their parts of their body, piss in the mouth, piss in the ass, it warms and it comforts all those women whose incontinent partners like to relieve themselves with them. Porndoe encourages you to discover this super intense fetish category where women can not cheat on sexuality. The site "PissWhoreTraining" is the pinnacle of dirty, dirty sex and without respect. And that's what's exciting. As the girls drink their piss at their end.